Lifestyle Changes That May Improve Your Tinnitus

Tinnitus is a common condition that causes ringing, buzzing or other noises in the ear that could include buzzing, hissing, whistling, swooshing and clicking. Sufferers of tinnitus can find it to be a frustrating and distressing experience. According to the American Tinnitus Association, the audiological and neurological condition known as tinnitus is experienced by more than 25 million American adults.

There are two forms of tinnitus – subjective and objective. Subjective tinnitus occurs when the sufferer hears noises only to the specific patient. This type of tinnitus is typically traceable to auditory and neurological reactions and includes more than 99% of all reported cases. Objective tinnitus, on the other hand, is rarer. This type of tinnitus occurs when sounds are produced by internal functions in the body’s circulatory (blood flow) and somatic (musculoskeletal movement)  systems.

The good news for sufferers of tinnitus is some easy-to-implement lifestyle changes can be made to alleviate or improve upon some of the common symptoms.

8 Ways To Improve Your Tinnitus

1.) Reduce stress

Stress is known to aggravate the symptoms of many health conditions, including tinnitus. By taking steps to reduce stress, sufferers can also help to manage and reduce the symptoms of tinnitus. Exercises like meditation, yoga, talk therapy and regular exercise can alleviate stress and in turn, reduce the symptoms of tinnitus.

2.) Get sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is an often overlooked tool for overall good health. Adequate rest plays a critical role in managing the symptoms associated with tinnitus. Not getting enough sleep can aggravate the symptoms of tinnitus. Follow some of the best practices to help get a good night’s sleep, such as:

  • Sticking to a regular sleep schedule – going to bed at the same time and rising at the same time
  • Avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bed
  • Creating a relaxing bedtime routine such as guided meditations, warm baths or reading
  • Exploring supplements such as Melatonin or CBD

3.) Limit noise

Too much exposure to loud noises can make your tinnitus symptoms worse. Be sure to avoid situations where you would be exposed to loud sounds and noises. Some instances to avoid might include headphones playing at full blast, loud concerts or exposure to construction sites. When loud noises are unavoidable, noise-canceling headphones can be an excellent solution.

4.) Eat well

A healthy diet plays an integral part in keeping the symptoms of tinnitus at bay. Carefully asses that your diet is rich in vitamins and minerals, especially focused on foods that are known to be beneficial for tinnitus sufferers including foods that are rich in B12, such as meat, fish, and dairy products, as well as foods rich in magnesium, such as dark chocolate, nuts and greens.

5.) Limit alcohol

Alcohol has been shown to worsen tinnitus symptoms. Therefore, reducing alcohol and caffeine consumption can help to improve tinnitus symptoms. Caffeine can be found in coffee, tea, soda, and chocolate. If you enjoy caffeine, try reducing your consumption or switching to decaf.

6.) Quit smoking

Smoking cigarettes has also been shown to make the symptoms of tinnitus worse. Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your overall health and has the important added benefit of helping to improve your tinnitus symptoms.

7.) Get active

Regular exercise can help alleviate some of the symptoms that come with tinnitus. Exercise such as walking, swimming and cycling can help increase blood flow, which in turn helps improve tinnitus.

8.) Sound therapy

Ask your audiologist if sound therapy is a modality that could be used to manage tinnitus symptoms. The use of sound therapy can distract from the internal noise caused by tinnitus through the external noise.

Tinnitus can be a frustrating and distressing condition, but by incorporating some lifestyle changes that have many other healthy benefits, sufferers can reduce their symptoms. If you have been diagnosed with tinnitus, it is recommended that you meet with your doctor to discuss a treatment plan that works best for you and your lifestyle. A few easy-to-implement changes could make all the difference.

At Hearing, Balance & Speech Center, We’re Here to Help! Contact Us Today!

We understand that tinnitus can be frustrating. That’s why our hearing healthcare specialists would be happy to offer you a hearing assessment. If you’d like to book an appointment, please call us today on (203) 208-3678 or request an appointment online.

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