3 Health Issues a Hearing Screening May Be Able to Detect

Over 35 million Americans over 18 have some difficulty hearing. Hearing loss often happens gradually over time. That can mean that we often don’t notice changes to our hearing. In many cases, it’s our friends or family who first notice changes to our hearing.

Hal Linden puts it neatly when he said, “I hadn’t really noticed that I had a hearing problem. I just thought most people had given up on speaking clearly.”

If that sounds familiar to you, it’s possible you have a hearing loss. It’s important to treat hearing loss. Early detection can improve your quality of life. Aside from better hearing, there are other reasons to seek treatment. Changes to your hearing could actually be an indication of an underlying health condition.

3 Health Issues a Hearing Screening May Be Able to Detect

It can be easy to delay seeing a hearing healthcare specialist, especially if your hearing loss isn’t serious. On average, many of us wait up to 10 years before seeking help for hearing loss. The longer we wait, the more communication with our loved ones is impacted. It also has unspoken health implications.

Johns Hopkins expert Frank Lin, M.D., Ph.D, said, “Our findings emphasized just how important it is to be proactive in addressing any hearing declines over time.”

Our bodies are sophisticated. Different areas of our body are interconnected in ways that we’re still only just beginning to understand. A problem in one part of our body may actually indicate a health condition in another area of our body.

Our ears are a great indicator of our overall health. Although they are incredible, they are also very delicate. To work their best, our ears need a continual supply of oxygen rich blood. They rely on a complex system of blood vessels and nerves. Here are 3 health conditions a hearing screening may be able to detect:


The CDC estimates that 30 million Americans have diabetes. The majority of people (90%) have type 2 diabetes. If managed appropriately with your primary physician, diabetes can be controlled. But when it’s uncontrolled, it can cause many issues.

Unmanaged diabetes can potentially cause hearing loss. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) highlights that adults with diabetes are twice as likely to experience hearing loss.

Circulatory & Heart Problems

Although our ears require a continual supply of blood, our inner ear only has one blood vessel that supplies all the necessary nutrients and oxygen. This vessel can be susceptible to damage. If it is damaged, it can result in hearing loss.

Issues with blood flow could be one cause of damage to this vessel. This could point to circulatory issues. A hearing screening can actually help to identify these issues. Plus, early invention in circulatory problems can help avert serious complications.

Ototoxic Medication

Substances that are poisonous to the ear are known as ototoxic. Certain medications are known to be ototoxic, and may affect your ability to hear.

Contact Us Today & Book an Appointment to Get Your Hearing Checked

You can help look after your physical health with an annual hearing screening. If you would like to book an appointment, please contact us today. Book an appointment with the Hearing, Balance & Speech Center team by calling (203) 208-3678 or request an appointment online.

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The purpose of this hearing assessment and/or demonstration is for hearing wellness and to determine if the consumer may benefit from using hearing aids, which may include selling and fitting hearing aids. Products demonstrated may differ from products sold. Assessment conclusion is not a medical diagnosis and further testing may be required to diagnose hearing loss. The use of any hearing aid may not fully restore normal hearing and does not prevent future hearing loss. Hearing instruments may not meet the needs of all hearing-impaired individuals.